Monday, September 2, 2013

Gaia Sophia as an Aeon

As an Aeon, She is an inconceivably massive current, alive and conscious, but by merging into the dark elemental matter of the galactic limbs She becomes transformed "in the likeness of the powers (those elemental forces)," and consequently plunges into semi-unconsciousness. In terms of cosmic physics, Her plasmatic currents convert into mass, and that mass eventually becomes the earth.
First phase:
Sophia's passion causes Her to plunge through the Pleromic membrane, rather than emanate through it and remain centered in the galactic core, as Aeons normally do. Upon departing from the core, She confronts novel conditions of elemental matter in the galaxy's outer limbs. Automatically, She begins to organize these elemental fields.
Second phase:
As Her impact deepens, the chaotic fields of elementary matter in the galactic limbs not only become organized, they become animated, taking on a life of their own. In other words, Sophia's life-force is transmitted to the chaotic matter in the zone She has entered.
Third phase:
In this phase the Earth as we know it emerges as a conversion of the passions of the Aeon Sophia.
"Protennoia is the Word or Logos of the Thought who descends in the likeness of the powers..."
This vague and baffling language means that Sophia, the supra-material Aeon, reproduces Her own attributes in a material world: She gears down ("descends") and in a manner conformable with the elemental powers She encounters in chaos, the zone outside the Pleroma.
As an Aeon, She is an inconceivably massive current, alive and conscious, but by merging into the dark elemental matter of the galactic limbs She becomes transformed "in the likeness of the powers (those elemental forces)," and consequently plunges into semi-unconsciousness. In terms of cosmic physics, Her plasmatic currents convert into mass, and that mass eventually becomes the earth.
Sophia "morphs" into a planetary body.
Art by Alex Grey

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