XYZ is anything that takes you out of yourself to somewhere else.
Sometimes it is a Gin&Tonic on an empty stomach with little sleep.
In this case it means
Sometimes it is a Gin&Tonic on an empty stomach with little sleep.
In this case it means
X as in X Marks the Spot.
Y as in a Triad.
Z for Zorro.
His Sword is his music. Went to listen at to his Acid Jazz last night. Many in the crowd were swaying with their eyes closed.
We are part of a Triad at X.
His Sword is his music. Went to listen at to his Acid Jazz last night. Many in the crowd were swaying with their eyes closed.
We are part of a Triad at X.
Within a half an hour of meeting we were long lost buddies. Maybe more than I realized at the time. A few days ago he was telling me about the origins of his name from an Abbey in Wales. As he was talking I "saw" myself as an aged priest and him as a young warrior. Then a map. Since he is very comfortable with this sort of information I passed on my vision. He drew a map and I pointed out the spot.
Yes. That was the location of the ancient abbey.
Later when he went up to the Cantina for a beer after work he met a guy about his age who had just moved to the town. They share the same unusual last name.
Maya and I share our visions of X.
We both have arrived here because of our Dreams of X. We have cried together over the relief of having someone else validate this illogical drive. When we pray we seem to be more than the sum of our parts. I "saw" that our energy fields were overlapping creating a space of Power.
This crop circle appeared about the same time. Notice the three dots. What Triad do they represent?
Yes. That was the location of the ancient abbey.
Later when he went up to the Cantina for a beer after work he met a guy about his age who had just moved to the town. They share the same unusual last name.
Maya and I share our visions of X.
We both have arrived here because of our Dreams of X. We have cried together over the relief of having someone else validate this illogical drive. When we pray we seem to be more than the sum of our parts. I "saw" that our energy fields were overlapping creating a space of Power.
This crop circle appeared about the same time. Notice the three dots. What Triad do they represent?
Thanks to the Crop Circle Connector for the photos. They have a diagram of the enery fields at this site:
I thought of the Arc of the Covenant. Were the Angels creating Sacred Space?
I thought of the Arc of the Covenant. Were the Angels creating Sacred Space?
Charles Gilchrist's site explains Sacred Geometry and the Vesica Piscis.
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