Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Vibrations

Things are still "ending".
No coffee. My French Pot shattered. The fridge quit. Pitch the wasabi I just bought. I bought an air mattress because I am so transitional right now and I woke up to that being flat. So groceries and a sleeping bag tomorrow. I lost my favorite jewelry too.

But I have my theories about all this.
At one time I was "shown" in my dreams how every event, place and person is layered with versions of themselves from the most evil to the most pure. We have the free will to manage our spirituality so that we become compatible with what ever version fits at the time. Each of us has our own little bubble of reality as we go through life. A Happy Bubble may be with in a few feet of a Sad. It's Swiss Cheese Reality.

I don't feel that people who inhabit "Evil Bubbles" are necessarily bad. We choose our parents and situations before birth to give us the perfect petri dish to grow in. Some may need a hardship to overcome which gives insight or compassion. Some offer themselves up for sacrifice.

Nor are we stuck in one place. The Theory that I am playing with is that by our efforts we can influence the rate of vibration which changes the Bubble we are compatible with. And as we increase our vibration, we loose things and relationships that are of a lower rate.
In the three months I've been here I've worked hard to release heavy emotions and I physically have changed my appearance. As I'm meeting new friends, things from my past don't seem to work anymore.

In the Bigger Picture, I wonder if the Planet itself is going through a vibrational change?
There are all sorts of speculation out there.
D0loras Cannon's book, "Convoluted Universe", based on her work with patients doing hypnotherapy, found that when she took people into the future during their hypnosis there seemed to be several possible worlds. Are we at the point where we should be picking out furniture for our new homes?

If you study the Schuman Resonance, then there is data that the planet is changing it's vibration. It reminds me of hummingbird wings. You know they are there, but their vibration is too fast to see them. Can we vibrate so fast that we physically no longer reside in the same "space"?

I wonder how much of the Solar Precessional Cycle is responsible for the heating up of the planet? Some suggest that the entire Solar System is changing. Are we in a cosmic summer? There are places like the Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia whose architecture is based on the mathematics of the Cycle. One has to wonder where the Priests got their information and how important is the message that they went to such extremes?

Is this Cosmic Summer the Cosmic Sun/Son that returns? Are our myths and rituals based on this 26,000 cycle where the Solar System goes through an amazing change of vibration/ascension?
Does this summer's heat wave indicate that the Sun/Son has indeed resurrected?

Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys
Convoluted Universe by Doloras Cannon
Schuman Resonance
Solar System Changing
Angkor Wat

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