Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Approaching the Tipping Point

Things are shifting from "Mom went crazy and ran away."
to " Wow! Grandma lives in DisneyLand!"

The photo of Chaplin walking off into the sunset seems to be a symbol for heading to that Vanishing Point. Every aspect of my life is in suspended animation...neither here nor there. So I'm trying to be aware of what to leave behind and what to look forward to. I try to maintain a state of "Observation" with expectations of "Contentment". That pretty much covers all bases and leave it up to God to decide how this is going to play out.

Moving up here was a Grand Experiment.
A Leap of Faith Without a Parachute.
And the rules were that things would unfold with the least amount of effort from me. The Game for the summer was to be open to clues from God and take direction from that.
Like the Lilies of the Field, I am blessed by God's bounty. And here I am poised with potential.

The only other rule of the Game that I can think of was
to play "As If". For what ever reason they had me on Phenobarb at five, it has left me with a quirky brain. I have a very hard time going from Point A to B logically. My sequential thinking has craters in it. I learned to Visualize my Goal and that worked a lot better. Having grown up with my CS Grandmother, that sort of Prayer was just taken for granted. I did not have to over come any resistance to accepting that it was possible.

It took a long time to figure out that not everybody was thinking that way. Was there some sort of deficiency in me? It hasn't been very long that I realized that by accepting that difference I had created a unique bubble of reality and people who stepped in were then part of that difference.
Part of that Experiment was to see if it made a difference "AS IF" it did. And the rule is that I can only observe, I can't point it out. Plants in my bubble are luxurious and babies are content. Cats wrap around my ankles. What if I could bring that sort of Vibe to a community? My boundaries are the grocery store to the West and the laundry to the East.

I'm dumping all that Energy into that space.
The Patio Cantina is Ground Zero.
Bar Guide
Meaning of "Clue"
Ariadne promised Theseus the answer to getting out of the Labyrinth if he would take her back to Athens and marry her. He agreed to this compromise and she gave him a ball of thread which he could attach to the entrance of the Labyrinth. This would allow him to re-trace his steps whenever his wished.
Crop Circles during this time:

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