Monday, December 24, 2012


I woke up with another bad headache.  This has been going on for about five days now.  When I ask around I am not the only one.  It's also very hard to focus.  I went through this a couple times this summer.  It's like someone rang a bell with my head inside.  I can feel a bolt of energy coming in through the top of my head, exploding in the center and going out at the base of the skull.  I don't do medicine or doctors except for an occasional aspirin and that only helps for a couple of hours.  It feels like my brain is being rewired.

I am helping four people in "rehab" and there is a large "supervisor" that checks in to see how we are doing.  One of the therapies is jumping on a pogo stick.  I can feel the thrill of the jumping and even in the dream I know it is a dream and I take advantage of it because I know I'm not able to do that in real life. LOL.  I pass it on to a man who seems to always be with me.
Then I'm running a cart through a check out...over and over.  I'm anxious that I have what I need until the "supervisor" mildly chastises me to just BE and have Faith that what I need will be in the cart.  When I run the cart through the check out everything turns to gold.

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