Monday, October 11, 2010


Yesterday was my personal Vanishing Point.
The Owner asked if I wanted to leave on Saturday while being paid till the end of the month. It gives you some idea of the stress I've had in dealing with her Consultant. Usually the owner checks out all her decisions with her lawyer first. He will probably advise her that she should not have done this as it implies responsibility. I'm not a person who sues though. If anything I feel a bit guilty because I knew that my time in Durango had an expiration date. This is giving me an easy out.

I'm going to spend the next couple of weeks getting my Groove back. Mr. Cool gave me some Official Medicinal Herb and I'm going to sink into the Void and listen to music. Maya gave me CDs of Singing Bowls and her friend, Kelly G. Jeppesen. She thinks he is working for Disney now.
I'm going to use this time to be a hermit and get my health back, detoxing, putting Tea Tree Oil on the souls of my feet and making power shakes. I prefer using ReLiv but found some a food powder with vitamins and minerals at the Food Co-op. Throw in some frozen strawberries, blueberries, banana and almond milk.
What the body needs!

When one door shuts another opens and the day before I left I met someone who is interested in repping my jewelry in Sante Fe. I've been making chunky, ethnic style necklaces with semi-precious stones which I charge up first. I have a friend who might EBay some for me also. After this last job I NEVER want to work for anyone else again.

Mr. X comes in my dreams almost every night. We are usually in a swimming pool. He is on a floating lounge chair while I'm in the water. I "get" it means that while he is of the World, I am of the subconscious. Maya has reunited with her Lost Love. We know that we would have never bothered with any of this Stuff if we had been distracted with a love life. These guys are going to be pleasantly surprised at the power of the Mojo we bring to their lives.

Vanishing Point
Time is a construct of the human brain and time has been given immense importance while everyone waits for 12.12.12. It's my opinion that 10.10.10 was the Cosmic Fork in the Road. Feel free to disagree. It is a work in progress. Maya and I both feel that there has been a recent shift into a higher dimension. There is overlap. Some people got it and some didn't. There seems to be confusion and while some people are merrily floating down the stream, others are on the verge of panic attacks.
I was having some confusion yesterday as I was getting contradictory outcomes. I was picking up that my daughter was on her way to see me and that she never left. Both were true. It made my head spin. In this life she chose not to come. Being a thousand miles away and homeschooling 3 small kids I totally understand. However, her choice will have profound consequences. Not that one will be better than the other.
Kelly G Jeppesen
Singing Bowls
852Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order
Vanishing Point
Charging Crystals

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