Thursday, September 2, 2010

Crossing Over Dream

So after having three cups of coffee this morning I was all of a sudden unable to keep my eyes open. That intense sleepiness usually indicates that I am going to get a "message". When I laid down again I instantly fell asleep.

First I was in a reception room waiting for the guests to arrive. To the right were an assortment of table and chairs and to the left the chairs had been arranged in a circle.

Next I was going to the movies with my Welsh friend. There was a huge crowd in the lobby and we momentarily were separated. Most of the people went into the movie to the left and my friend took me to the one on the right. The Usher was a hip musician angel.

When I woke up about 15 minutes ago I was "told" that I had crossed over. Now we all wait for an Event...for the Movie to start. I'll put my dancing shoes on in anticipation.

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