Thursday, August 2, 2012

Shifting from Moment to Moment

I feel this is the essence of existence.  You can't go from there to there, but you BE and allow "there" to come to you.  I've really been pushing my personal envelope and have notice dramatic shifts.  I truly believe I've made quantum shifts these last two days.  I feel very unfamiliar with my surroundings while  logically recognizing the details.  But it all FEELS as if I've just walked in the room.  It's interesting that the movie "Total Recall" is coming out now.
My body is disoriented and somewhat achy.  But probably the biggest thing I've noticed is that I feel different about myself.  A couple of things that I'm doing may have triggered this.  I've "hailed" my future Self.  It's like I'm emotionally jumping up and down and saying "Hey Beth of 2013!!  Remember this moment and how I feel right now and "remember ME" .  Make a memory and emotional connection that I can lock on to that will pull me to my future self.
Have you ever had a distinct memory from your past that you can re-experience the senses of that moment?  You can "send" yourself to that old self.  You can send encouragement and appreciation to yourself of that past.  This is doing it consciously.   And I feel "beyond" who I was last week, much to the confusion of my family and friends. :-)

The other things I've been working with are Sacred Circuit Symbols which I will post info on next.
Now, I'm really not into the ET thing.  It makes sense that will the entirety of the Universe we surely are not the only intelligence.  But I'm not really waiting for any landing and I do not see UFOs.  If anything I probably block that ability.  It's just not for me.  So the Bashar videos are not meant to prove existence of ET, but the information REALLY resonates.

While I'm not that interested in Space Men I am very curious as to how far our Minds will take us.  I've had experiences from the beginning of my life which stirred this quest to find out what is going on.  To me the New Frontier is the Mind.  And in those Wild Places I have met beings not of my normal life.  We have had some interesting conversations.  Even if they were part of my mind the information was still new to me and gave me a platform to make a great leap of Faith that has given me the answers I was looking for.

So I offer the latest video I found that suggests that we are not going to be changed by anything outside of us but by the focus of our own mind.  And I'm boarding my own personal Rocket.

This video talks about how you know if you have shifted because you react differently to the same situation.  Then your changed reaction will impel the outside view of that situation to change.
Soul BluePrint

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