I don't know what it is about these circles, but they "speak" to me. If I was to create a symbol of how the recent past has been unfolding, then I would use this. Something is up. I'm positioned right at the edge of the crescent about to enter.
So what is The Point?
I've tried to document events that I have experienced and not about who I am. The coincidences in themselves are not important but that they show a pattern that has started to lead to a conclusion.
Or at least, a major transition.
This speaks to me in that while these "projects" have been going on for years in the dream state, I "get" that things are about to be taken to the next level.
Mr. PC Man, we could make beautiful music together...in the project sense. :-)
For understanding crop circles, I go with Freddy Silva. I've heard him speak and have read his book.
Freddy Silva
This turned out to be an interesting discussion.