Sunday, June 27, 2010

Across the Abyss

I have breakfast at the French Bakery and walk out the door to start my new job across the street. I look up, shielding my eyes from the morning sun and I'm startled. Here is the Patio in my dreams! Why didn't I recognize that before?

The shop that I will manage is in a cluster of little businesses on the corner. The top floor is the bar and Maya's shop along with some others. The patio is enclosed by the iron rail fence from the dream.
Dreams actually. It hits me that this is also from a dream I had a couple months ago.
In the dream I am looking for a job. The Voice says to go to the Mall and climb the stairs. At the foot of the stairs are two young women in sunglasses talking on their cell phones. They give the impression of being Secret Service. I go up the stairs and when I get to the top I walk through "The Door" and am in another dimension.
I tried to find this place when I was looking for a job. I didn't recognize it though I passed it almost everyday. Not until I saw it from across the street.

This is where Bear has led me. This is the Cantina in the Dream at the end of the Path.
The Cantina is part of the Dream of the Green Jade dated September 16, 2009 which I had over five years ago.

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart

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