Saturday, November 10, 2018

Where THIS is ALL Leading To

After following the Dreams and Synchronicity I feel I finally got an answer.
A Grid of Sacred Geometry is being laid out and needs to "gel".    I don't know when that will happen as I am not in charge but have followed the "clues" that I have been given.  I feel that a portal to an inter-dimensional time line is being laid down.    I believe this is where the tesseract is being  constructed.

This is the post that speaks of it specifically.


 I need to recoup from following this Quest  and see what happens in the Spring.   
 My Dreams now are all about "death" of my personalty.  
 Like a bear I think I'll hibernate for the Winter.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Big Reveal

The Messages from "Q"...the entity(s) that I have named after a character in Star Trek...are coming in fast and furious.  I was going to just stop writing because I felt there wasn't anything more to say.
Well, that seemed to be because one cycle has ended and another is starting up.

So I'm continuing this Saga over at my Diary Blog.
 It's a more personal take on what is going on.
To follow me  CLICK HERE
I suggest starting at January 1, 2018.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

And a Child Shall Lead Them

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper, it won't work 
No weapon formed against me shall prosper, it won't work 

Say No weapon formed against me shall prosper, it won't work 
Say No weapon formed against me shall prosper, it won't work…"

Geminid Meteor Shower

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Building a Tesseract

Yesterday morning I went to Cheryl for a massage and  CranioSacral Therapy.  Doing this released blockages on  many levels which  Shifted  me to "Outer Space".  I became SPACE.

Information started pouring. 
The state of Bliss was a Cosmic Orgasm.  OMG!

I was shown that "They" were rolling up Reality like a ball of string.
Cheryl asked "What are they going to do with it?"  "They" said that it will be taken to a new space like the Star Trek Holodeck and will be rolled out.  New Earth.

Then I was shown a space defined by four poles.
They  wrapped the yarn around the poles so that when they were done it made a design on each side like the fringe above.   The form was much like this popsicle tower.  The yarn  wound around the 4 poles in one continuous piece.

  The design facing me was the face of a woman.
When they were done they put a TESSERACT around it.

 It reminded me of the interview that Erin Green Rothschild  did describing a tesseract.  I have no opinion on what she was talking about, but from the experiences I've had I would not be surprised.
When she talks that change comes with 51% and the tesseract it's about 15:00 in.  She also talks about the etheric spiders which is what was removed from my spine in Santa Fe.   The 51% made me flash on Roy Moore's loss of 51% last night 
Erin is from the Merovingian bloodline.  
 Cheryl it turns out is also.

They said it was important that both Cheryl and I know that what we were doing was one layer of about 13.  They showed a screw.  All threads of the screw were about the same event but as you traveled up things were  more abstract and spacious.  They wanted us to know that even the simplest "ritual" can align with the most powerful change.  It is our free will that decides which direction we send our Attention to.

My morning routine is to watch Steven Colbert from the night before.  I was a bit startled when I saw him interview Katy Tur.  I had been wondering how I would explain the design made with the yarn on the four poles.   And there on the sleeves of her dress was the example.  Maybe Katy is the face in the tesseract?   This is from Dec 12,2017.
Up date:  All of this triggered a cluster of petite mal seizures and then the next day a mini-stroke.
I'm having a very weird reaction.
I think I'm going to move over to the Diary.  I need a place to explain things to my kids.  :)
"They" said to now contemplate looking at the tower from above.
 "They" ARE Math so they do what ever they want.

The Attraction of the Yin Yang energy is what turns the screw.
"Q" says to add this image.
Gerald Clark - Thoth/Emerald Tablets  talks about this form about 3min in.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

When Life Sucks

The best explanation of Law of Attraction.
The information is a channeling of the Doctor's son who has passed.

"This Particle Breaks Time Symmetry" - Veritasium